Tuesday, December 15, 2009


In life, it is so easy to succumb to pressure. Sometimes the cause of it is oneself; it is situations we are in, relationships, work, society, an 'image' that we want to live up to or the 'past' that we can not seem to escape from.

It is absolutely essential to gain some perspective, to learn to step back and look at the bigger picture. Life does not offer us too many chances, and to make the best use of the ones that we are given is what makes us wise.

Be your best friend; accept your flaws- learn and yearn to better them. Fight against the tide, do not surrender to the flow of the river, work your way upstream. It is not anyone else who steers the ship; it is YOU!

Life- it is a GIFT! You owe it to yourself to be the best you can, realise it. Please.

Believe in yourself
To the depth of your being

Nourish the talents
Your spirit is freeing

Know in your heart
When the going gets slow

That your faith in yourself
Will continue to grow

Don't forfeit ambition
When others may doubt

It is your life to live
You must live it throughout

Learn from your errors
Don't dwell in the past

Never withdraw
From a world that is vast

Believe in yourself
Find the best that is you

Let your spirit prevail
Steer a course that is true!

-Bruce B Wilmer

Friday, December 11, 2009

It is all in the MIND hun!

"I think; therefore I am"
- Rene Descartes

"The idle mind is the devil's workshop"
- Latin Proverb

"Bandhar kya jaane, adhrak ka swaad!" (only one who truly understands something, can appreciate it)
- Hindi Proverb

This week has given me a lot of time for 'introspection'; not in terms of the person I was or what I have become. [I have changed, and am not going to deny or justify that. It is just something that is] What I spent time thinking about was how one's "mind" can be the most powerful influence. The most amazing companion, your best friend and at the very same time, your worst enemy.

The above sayings emphasize this stark but definite truth. Let me illustrate with an example I am pretty sure most of you can relate to -- in many arguments with your loved ones, you sometimes let go; just so that it does not balloon to disproportionate limits. You do not necessarily feel sorry, you often think it is the other's fault and still you find yourself apologising and making excuses. At times it is the other way around. Simply because fighting leaves either side hurt or upset and mostly because the issue is just not worth it. A typical moment when the dual nature of one's mind shines through brilliantly! That so-called 'inner voice' which knows you do not quite agree with what you are doing or saying, but convinces you for the moment, it is the best option.

Personally, it is my mind that has always proven to be my biggest weakness and my biggest strength. Numerous times it has been my inspiration. When I'm down and out, it forces me to pick up the pieces and march on. The tests that it throws time and again, has taught me that to fear 'falling' is foolish. It is better to train oneself to get back up and carry on. This is much easier said than done; honestly, there have been times when I have said 'enough; the drama just ain't worth it anymore.' And then, just like a best friend should, my mind pops up and gets my feet back on the ground. :)

There is no SINGLE person in this world-- be it parents, siblings, friends or lovers that you agree with and want around you all the time. You need the office hours, the social get-aways, the parties etc. to interact and form other meaningful relationships in life. Times when no matter what your bond with the other person is, you need a break! In the exact same way, there are times when I want to rip my mind right off my head and incinerate it. These are generally moments when I am depressed and all it does is fire out old memories, instances of utter joy, bliss or sorrow, embarrassing incidents [got quite a bit of those ;P] and uncomfortable memories; manipulating your attention to it inevitably! Oh yes, beware, the mind is a super sharp and powerful tool. Something even the toughest thug simply cannot master.

It makes us who we are, trains us to live with ourselves! In short it is:

-M: Magnificent / Moronic

- I: Invigorating / Irritating

- N: Necessity / Nuisance

- D: Dominating / Disturbing